FOUR was engaged to identify integrated security solutions that would support the operational requirements of Marks & Spencer's distribution centres in line with the risk.
FOUR delivered risk-based advice to Marks & Spencer Logistics for sites such as Bradford, Alpha Kilo One and the London Gateway project.
We also provided security project management to Marks & Spencer Logistics in the rectification of the system at a major centre, working closely with both installers and manufacturers/designers of the system to ensure it met the needs of the client and operator.
All systems were reviewed and installed on an evidence-based Resource to Risk basis, delivering cost-effective systems which meet the current risk but are also able to flex to the changing environment.
The delivery of this is assisted by the close working relationship FOUR maintains with Local Business Against Crime Forums, Local Police Crime Prevention Officers, and nationally through National Crime Agency and UK Border Force contacts, to allow the development of the risk to the supply and logisticschain from end to end.